Secure Wordpress From Hackers are evil
I am grateful to the Loveland has allowed Kang I became guest post on this blog.
Because I also would like to share important information to the readers of the Blog Kang Loveland.
On the occasion of this time I will discuss about the Secure Wordpress From Hackers Evil.
Jakarta because I heard that wordpress was able to log in by the people who understand about this particular technique.
Special techniques such as what mas?.
Techniques such as SQL Injection, RFI, Spaw upload etc.
Well if you've never had this behavior of hackers and has yet to figure out how to prevent it. I will tell you how to prevent it.
One of them is by installing a plugin on wordpress us so that we are not in the cpanel Dipper by severe hackers.
Here are a few plugins to secure your wordpress:
1 Login LockDown .»
This Plugin works to block an IP-Address has incorrect login (/wp-login.php) after a couple of occasions, depending on your configuration
2.WP Security Scan »
Function scanner, can be an SQL-File Scanner, Scanner etc so Inclusion hacker attacks can be observed and could be denied.
3Wordpress Firewall .»
Its function is to investigate each request with a simple WordPress-specific heuristics to identify and stop the attacks.
Above are some of the plugins that might be able to secure your Wordpress.
But anyway it seems to me a better Blogger than Wordpress because Wordpress is easy, but the hacker attack if Bloggers have certainly safe.
Want to know why?. Since Blogger is the product of a site ternaman GOOGLE.COM.
So you guys choose Blogger where Or Wordpress?
The first o. ..
Makasi Kang Loveland. :)
Author: Ivan Mantovani Blog:
About: I am a young blogger who tries to unlock origin jakarta insights through online media. Blog:
About: I am a young blogger who tries to unlock origin jakarta insights through online media.
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