Thursday, December 29, 2011

Disable right click on the image without script

Assalamualaikum WR.WB
Thank God, how are you a blogger's best friend. This post on both my blog kang Loveland. And this time I will share a bit of a small tutorial is very easy but apparently found it useful for some many bloggers who post images, and may not want the pictures in his blog or website copy freely by others.

Actually many gaps and ways to cut a file in a website or blog. But for those who lay it would be very difficult and requires specific skills and knowledge are more about soure a website/blog. And it surely is very fortunate for us.

Some similar trick might be friends never read it on his blog the master. But I think it is more complicated. And this time I will give a more simple tricks and easy way on how can I make an image can't be in the right click without using excessive script and there is no warning at all. Just add a bit of code in the code image.

Code standard an image:
< img src = "image .png"/>

And friends just need to add this code between the code:
oncontextmenu = "return false;"

and an example of code that have been added are like this:
< img src = "image .png" oncontextmenu = "return false;"/>
Author: Andra Permana Halim
Http:// Blog:
About: bloggers who want to learn as a bussiness man.

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